What are the technical guarantees ? 1° The service CopyrightWeb.com is based on a high level of safety and confidentiality : . Secure data exchanges. . Storage on remote secure servers. (Storage at our public notary in France and in our Servers) . Electronic Timestamp (servers synchronisation by PKCS timestamp request on atomic clock and GPS). . Unforgeable Digital Signature and receipt of the document. . Any contents are registered at our official public notary. . Secure access to your account and deposits. . Online secure payment on our website. |
2° Here is some information about timestamping and digital signature
In order to check and create the electronic time stamping, CopyrightWeb.com conform to IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) standards.
This International Community of researchers and industrials claims and makes reliable Internet protocols and its uses.
Its standards and reasoning can be found on the IETF website.
You find below the standards we use for our applications :
Timestamps tokens: the timestamp service sends back a message under the standard format of cryptographic syntax based on the PKCS #7 version 1.5.IETF 2630.
Digital signature : a unique value computed from the original file to timestamp is generated by a TripleDesSha512 algorithm + MD5 function. These results, associated to a certain date provide the evidence that the document has not been modified (therefore is original) and can be used a proof. The combination of encryption, time stamping, digital signature, the real time deposition at the bailiff makes our system a strong and irrefutable mean for proving quickly and simply your paternity on any high value content (creative work, design, legal documents).
Timestamp : Generated on atomic clock and GPS time.
Copyright API : The communication is securized by Secure Socket Layer and RSA authentification.
Digital signature: digital signature process based on signature keys which work like seal on a document; same idea as a handwritten signature.
Timestamp: This is a process that allows to define a certain time and dating when receiving an electronic document.
Secure payment by internet: Payment done under the protection of a process made to assure the confidentiality and the integrity of data.
Certification: Process which guarantees the identity of the sender and the addressee by certificate and certifies that the coming message is not changed or falsified.
Where my copyright certified by public notary is valid ?
Country that signed the Bern Convention | Initial Signature | Date of entry | Entry valid from |
Albania | December 2, 1993 | March 6, 1994 | |
Algeria | January 19, 1998 | April 19, 1998 | |
Andorra | March 2, 2004 | June 2, 2004 | |
Antigua and Barbuda | December 17, 1999 | March 17, 2000 | |
Argentina | May 5, 1967 | June 10, 1967 | |
Armenia | July 19, 2000 | October 19, 2000 | |
Australia | Declaration of Continued Application: April 14, 1928 | April 14, 1928 | |
Austria | September 11, 1920 | October 1, 1920 | |
Azerbaijan | March 4, 1999 | June 4, 1999 | |
Bahamas | Declaration of Continued Application: July 5, 1976 | July 10, 1973 | |
Bahrain | November 29, 1996 | March 2, 1997 | |
Bangladesh | February 4, 1999 | May 4, 1999 | |
Barbados | March 16, 1983 | July 30, 1983 | |
Belarus | September 12, 1997 | December 12, 1997 | |
Belgium | September 9, 1886 | Ratification: September 5, 1887 | December 5, 1887 |
Belize | March 17, 2000 | June 17, 2000 | |
Benin | Declaration of Continued Application: January 3, 1961 | August 1, 1960 | |
Bhutan | August 25, 2004 | November 25, 2004 | |
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) | August 4, 1993 | November 4, 1993 | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Declaration of Continued Application: June 2, 1993 | March 1, 1992 | |
Botswana | January 15, 1998 | April 15, 1998 | |
Brazil | February 6, 1922 | February 9, 1922 | |
Brunei Darussalam | May 30, 2006 | August 30, 2006 | |
Bulgaria | December 5, 1921 | December 5, 1921 | |
Burkina Faso | April 26, 1963 | August 19, 1963 | |
Burundi | January 12, 2016 | April 12, 2016 | |
Cabo Verde | April 7, 1997 | July 7, 1997 | |
Cameroon | Declaration of Continued Application: September 21, 1964 | January 1, 1960 | |
Canada | Declaration of Continued Application: April 10, 1928 | April 10, 1928 | |
Central African Republic | May 31, 1977 | September 3, 1977 | |
Chad | August 4, 1971 | November 25, 1971 | |
Chile | April 9, 1970 | June 5, 1970 | |
China | July 10, 1992 | October 15, 1992 | |
Colombia | December 4, 1987 | March 7, 1988 | |
Comoros | January 17, 2005 | April 17, 2005 | |
Congo | Declaration of Continued Application: May 8, 1962 | August 15, 1960 | |
Costa Rica | March 3, 1978 | June 10, 1978 | |
Côte d’Ivoire | July 8, 1961 | January 1, 1962 | |
Croatia | Declaration / Notification of Succession: July 28, 1992 | October 8, 1991 | |
Cuba | November 20, 1996 | February 20, 1997 | |
Cyprus | Declaration of Continued Application: February 24, 1964 | August 16, 1960 | |
Czech Republic | Declaration of Continued Application: December 18, 1992 | January 1, 1993 | |
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea | January 28, 2003 | April 28, 2003 | |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | Declaration of Continued Application: October 8, 1963 | June 30, 1960 | |
Denmark | June 13, 1903 | July 1, 1903 | |
Djibouti | February 13, 2002 | May 13, 2002 | |
Dominica | May 7, 1999 | August 7, 1999 | |
Dominican Republic | September 24, 1997 | December 24, 1997 | |
Ecuador | July 8, 1991 | October 9, 1991 | |
Egypt | March 2, 1977 | June 7, 1977 | |
El Salvador | November 18, 1993 | February 19, 1994 | |
Equatorial Guinea | March 26, 1997 | June 26, 1997 | |
Estonia | July 26, 1994 | October 26, 1994 | |
Fiji | Declaration of Continued Application: December 1, 1971 | October 10, 1970 | |
Finland | March 23, 1928 | April 1, 1928 | |
France | September 9, 1886 | Ratification: September 5, 1887 | December 5, 1887 |
Gabon | December 19, 1961 | March 26, 1962 | |
Gambia | December 7, 1992 | March 7, 1993 | |
Georgia | February 16, 1995 | May 16, 1995 | |
Germany | September 9, 1886 | Ratification: September 5, 1887 | December 5, 1887 |
Ghana | July 11, 1991 | October 11, 1991 | |
Greece | November 9, 1920 | November 9, 1920 | |
Grenada | June 22, 1998 | September 22, 1998 | |
Guatemala | April 28, 1997 | July 28, 1997 | |
Guinea | August 13, 1980 | November 20, 1980 | |
Guinea-Bissau | April 18, 1991 | July 22, 1991 | |
Guyana | July 25, 1994 | October 25, 1994 | |
Haiti | October 11, 1995 | January 11, 1996 | |
Holy See | July 19, 1935 | September 12, 1935 | |
Honduras | October 24, 1989 | January 25, 1990 | |
Hungary | February 14, 1922 | February 14, 1922 | |
Iceland | June 30, 1947 | September 7, 1947 | |
India | Declaration of Continued Application: April 23, 1928 | April 1, 1928 | |
Indonesia | June 5, 1997 | September 5, 1997 | |
Ireland | October 5, 1927 | October 5, 1927 | |
Israel | December 14, 1949 | March 24, 1950 | |
Italy | September 9, 1886 | Ratification: September 5, 1887 | December 5, 1887 |
Jamaica | September 28, 1993 | January 1, 1994 | |
Japan | April 18, 1899 | July 15, 1899 | |
Jordan | April 28, 1999 | July 28, 1999 | |
Kazakhstan | January 12, 1999 | April 12, 1999 | |
Kenya | March 11, 1993 | June 11, 1993 | |
Kuwait | September 2, 2014 | December 2, 2014 | |
Kyrgyzstan | April 8, 1999 | July 8, 1999 | |
Lao People’s Democratic Republic | December 14, 2011 | March 14, 2012 | |
Latvia | May 11, 1995 | August 11, 1995 | |
Lebanon | February 19, 1946 | September 30, 1947 | |
Lesotho | June 27, 1989 | September 28, 1989 | |
Liberia | December 8, 1988 | March 8, 1989 | |
Libya | June 28, 1976 | September 28, 1976 | |
Liechtenstein | July 20, 1931 | July 30, 1931 | |
Lithuania | September 14, 1994 | December 14, 1994 | |
Luxembourg | June 20, 1888 | June 20, 1888 | |
Madagascar | Declaration of Continued Application: February 11, 1966 | January 1, 1966 | |
Malawi | July 12, 1991 | October 12, 1991 | |
Malaysia | June 28, 1990 | October 1, 1990 | |
Mali | Declaration of Continued Application: March 19, 1962 | March 19, 1962 | |
Malta | Declaration of Continued Application: May 29, 1968 | September 21, 1964 | |
Mauritania | October 16, 1972 | February 6, 1973 | |
Mauritius | February 9, 1989 | May 10, 1989 | |
Mexico | May 9, 1967 | June 11, 1967 | |
Micronesia (Federated States of) | July 7, 2003 | October 7, 2003 | |
Monaco | May 30, 1889 | May 30, 1889 | |
Mongolia | December 12, 1997 | March 12, 1998 | |
Montenegro | Declaration of Continued Application: December 4, 2006 | June 3, 2006 | |
Morocco | June 16, 1917 | June 16, 1917 | |
Mozambique | August 22, 2013 | November 22, 2013 | |
Namibia | Declaration of Continued Application: September 21, 1993 | March 21, 1990 | |
Nepal | October 11, 2005 | January 11, 2006 | |
Netherlands | October 9, 1912 | November 1, 1912 | |
New Zealand | Declaration of Continued Application: April 26, 1928 | April 24, 1928 | |
Nicaragua | May 23, 2000 | August 23, 2000 | |
Niger | Declaration of Continued Application: May 2, 1962 | August 3, 1960 | |
Nigeria | June 10, 1993 | September 14, 1993 | |
Niue | June 24, 2016 | September 24, 2016 | |
Norway | April 13, 1896 | April 13, 1896 | |
Oman | April 14, 1999 | July 14, 1999 | |
Pakistan | June 4, 1948 | July 5, 1948 | |
Panama | March 8, 1996 | June 8, 1996 | |
Paraguay | September 9, 1991 | January 2, 1992 | |
Peru | May 20, 1988 | August 20, 1988 | |
Philippines | June 29, 1950 | August 1, 1951 | |
Poland | January 28, 1920 | January 28, 1920 | |
Portugal | March 29, 1911 | March 29, 1911 | |
Qatar | April 5, 2000 | July 5, 2000 | |
Republic of Korea | May 21, 1996 | August 21, 1996 | |
Republic of Moldova | August 1, 1995 | November 2, 1995 | |
Romania | August 28, 1926 | January 1, 1927 | |
Russian Federation | December 9, 1994 | March 13, 1995 | |
Rwanda | November 3, 1983 | March 1, 1984 | |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | January 3, 1995 | April 9, 1995 | |
Saint Lucia | May 21, 1993 | August 24, 1993 | |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | May 29, 1995 | August 29, 1995 | |
Samoa | April 21, 2006 | July 21, 2006 | |
Sao Tome and Principe | March 14, 2016 | June 14, 2016 | |
Saudi Arabia | December 11, 2003 | March 11, 2004 | |
Senegal | June 30, 1962 | August 25, 1962 | |
Serbia | Declaration of Continued Application: September 19, 2006 | April 27, 1992 | |
Singapore | September 21, 1998 | December 21, 1998 | |
Slovakia | Declaration of Continued Application: December 30, 1992 | January 1, 1993 | |
Slovenia | Declaration of Continued Application: June 12, 1992 | June 25, 1991 | |
South Africa | Declaration of Continued Application: October 3, 1928 | October 3, 1928 | |
Spain | September 9, 1886 | Ratification: September 5, 1887 | December 5, 1887 |
Sri Lanka | Declaration of Continued Application: July 20, 1959 | February 4, 1948 | |
Sudan | September 28, 2000 | December 28, 2000 | |
Suriname | November 16, 1976 | February 23, 1977 | |
Swaziland | September 14, 1998 | December 14, 1998 | |
Sweden | July 8, 1904 | August 1, 1904 | |
Switzerland | September 9, 1886 | Ratification: September 5, 1887 | December 5, 1887 |
Syrian Arab Republic | March 11, 2004 | June 11, 2004 | |
Tajikistan | December 9, 1999 | March 9, 2000 | |
Thailand | June 17, 1931 | July 17, 1931 | |
the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia | Declaration / Notification of Succession: July 23, 1993 | September 8, 1991 | |
Togo | January 28, 1975 | April 30, 1975 | |
Tonga | March 14, 2001 | June 14, 2001 | |
Trinidad and Tobago | May 16, 1988 | August 16, 1988 | |
Tunisia | September 9, 1886 | Ratification: September 5, 1887 | December 5, 1887 |
Turkey | October 27, 1951 | January 1, 1952 | |
Turkmenistan | February 29, 2016 | May 29, 2016 | |
Ukraine | July 25, 1995 | October 25, 1995 | |
United Arab Emirates | April 14, 2004 | July 14, 2004 | |
United Kingdom | September 9, 1886 | Ratification: September 5, 1887 | December 5, 1887 |
United Republic of Tanzania | April 25, 1994 | July 25, 1994 | |
United States of America | November 16, 1988 | March 1, 1989 | |
Uruguay | June 7, 1967 | July 10, 1967 | |
Uzbekistan | January 19, 2005 | April 19, 2005 | |
Vanuatu | September 27, 2012 | December 27, 2012 | |
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) | September 20, 1982 | December 30, 1982 | |
Viet Nam | July 26, 2004 | October 26, 2004 | |
Yemen | April 14, 2008 | July 14, 2008 | |
Zambia | September 13, 1991 | January 2, 1992 | |
Zimbabwe | Declaration / Notification of Succession: September 18, 1981 | April 18, 1980 |